Marty’s Feel Good Story of the Week! Pink Wig


A Guy Wore a Pink Wig for Three Months to Support His Wife with Cancer . . . and Even Wore It for Their Wedding


HIGHLIGHTS:  A 45-year-old guy in England wore a pink wig every day for three months to support his wife while she was battling breast cancer.  He raised about $5,000 for charity by doing it, and even wore it for their wedding back in December. The man’s name is Pete Bridgeman his wife Debbie has been battling stage-two breast cancer. So to support her, he wore a pink wig EVERY DAY for three straight MONTHS. Debbie ordered it online on a whim.  Then one of Pete’s friends offered him money if HE wore it. After that, Pete started wearing it to raise money for charity.  In three months . . . from November through January . . . he raised about five grand.Pete even wore it for their WEDDING back in December.  Debbie had to wear a wig because of her chemo, so he decided to wear his wig too . . . even in the photos. The best news is Debbie is on the road to recovery.  She has to get a shot every three weeks and take a special pill for the next five years.  But she’s done with all of her other cancer treatments.




Lisa’s Pet Of The Week

Lisa’s Pet Of The Week

Bali was adopted into a loving home and his human became unable to care for him. Now this very good boy is looking for his forever home.