Lions SuperPull of the South

Lions SuperPull of the South

The 42nd Annual Lions Super Pull of the South is this weekend, Friday, July 19th and Saturday, July 20th in Chapel Hill, TN.


This truck and tractor pull has been named “Pull of the Year” 8 times by the National Tractor Pullers Association.


The excitement never stops as these horsepower monsters roar down the track!


Get your tickets and learn more about the event online here.



Listen live for your chance to win tickets for Friday night, July 19th. 

  • Starting Tuesday morning, listen with Marty around 8am for the cue-to-call for your chance to win a family 4-pack!


  • Starting Monday night, listen with Darlas around 8pm for the cue-to-call with a double chance on Thursday!

(Official Contest Rules)

